Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Teacher Fired For Fundraising For The Family of Trayvon Martin!!!

           A teacher in southeastern Michigan has been fired for helping students organize a fundraiser for the family of Trayvon Martin, a Florida teenager shot to death by a neighborhood watch volunteer, a national civil rights group said.  Brooke Harris was dismissed in March from Pontiac Academy for Excellence Middle School "with little explanation" after she encouraged students to plan a wear-a-hoodie-to-school day in memory of Martin, theSouthern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) in Montgomery,Ala., said Monday. Martin was wearing a hoodie Feb. 26 when he was killed.

          Harris gave the students an editorial-writing assignment on the shooting. But the students wanted to help Martin's family and asked the school's administrators if they could pay $1 each to wear hoodies instead of school uniform for a day, the group said. It said the school regularly has fundraisers in which students can "dress down." Harris then was fired for showing up at the school during her suspension, the group said. It said Harris had gone to the school to drop off prizes for a literacy fair she helped organize for students.

Reflection: This Article shows the injustice of our corrupt society were when you try to do is right everyone put you down. I feel that the teacher did nothing wrong and just was trying to do the right thing.
Its ok every dog has their day.

Should the teacher have been fired?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Preparation For Success

"If one asks for succes and prepares for failure, he will get the sitituation he has prepared for."

To be successful you have to make mistakes. Thats how we learn.  To prepare for success you have to fail point blank period.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My Sympathy For The Family of Zimmermann

To the family of George Zimmermann,
I understand your pain and the criticism that you are dealing with right now. Honestly, I feel that Zimmermann took things to seriously thus getting him in this situation. I believe that he was wrong and he should serve his time in jail. However, to the family of Zimmermann continue to live your lives and you not responsible for his actions.

K. Weeks

Friday, February 24, 2012

bloggers choice: Class of 2012!!!

         Its bout time to get out of here. Its been a great four years but I'm ready get gone and start the next chapter of my life. May 29th It we will be done and the rest is history. I personally hope that all of the 2012 graduating class do something with our lives so that we will be remembered as the best, which we are.
That is all see you at the coliseum.

What are your plans after graduating high school?

Monday, February 20, 2012

"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength."

I don't get this quote at all. Maybe its means worrying gets you no where its only takes away your strengths.

Do you understand this quote?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Definition of Success

What is your definition for success?

My definition of success is being well off and not forgetting where u came from. Also, being rich makes you successful. Thats my definition.

How successful is your life.

Kylan Weeks

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What I Think Valentines Day!

I think Valentines Day is a day you share your love for those you care about. Also it is a commercialized holiday to make you spend money. I feel that you can can show your love all year long, not just one day out of the year. And don't spend money on everyone unless you are getting something in return.

What is your feeling of Valentines Day?